Varroa update: DIY sugar shake or alcohol wash kit

I don’t have a sugar shake or alcohol wash kit. What can I do?

It may take a bit of searching but kits are still available at some beekeeping supply stores.  (The ABA shop is expecting new stocks of Sugar Shake kits in the next fortnight.)

A purpose made kit is ideal, but in an emergency you can make your own.  

Here are some instructions for making a sugar shake kit .

This involves having the right size metal mesh (around 3mm aperture spacing). Bunnings stocks mesh sheeting. (You’ll need just enough to cover the lid of your container so perhaps a group of local beekeepers will share the cost with you?)

We’ve heard of people drilling a series of closely spaced 3mm holes in the plastic lid of a jar. It’s important that the inner edges are smooth so any mites do not get stuck inside the jar when you shake out the sugar. Don’t make the holes too big or the bees will shake out too.

Alcohol washes are easy with a plastic beetroot or pickle jar — the type with a secure lid and an internal strainer basket. Suitable jars we’ve seen: Sistema Clip It Round Beetroot Container 700 ml and Lock & Lock Classic Round Container with Draining Basket 700ml.  These have the advantage of an internal basket to lift the dead bees out easily, and you can see what falls to the bottom. Try supermarkets, kitchen supply stores or online retailers. Around $5 to $12.